Well, it's been a long time. I had hoped to get back on this whole blogging thing and make more regular contributions to the haze, but it was not to be. But life is busy and this hasn't been the top of my priorities. Among some things that have been going on: I am writing the musical our church is doing this Christmas (no small task), I am applying for grad school, plus some fun trips this summer and family stuff. All in all, things keep me busy.
But in reality, I probably have more time than I think. I certainly find a lot of ways to waste time. I'm sure I don't need to spend quite so much time surfing various websites, or dinking around on the computer. I could certainly spend less time watching TV. But then again there are a lot of other things that I should or could be doing, that I don't.
I think there's always that push and pull between busy and quiet. So maybe it's a matter of balancing what needs to be done, what ought to be done, and what you want to do, and not feeling guilty when you choose one over the other for a time.