It's been a while since I've posted. Things have been just a tad busy. In December, we put on a dinner theater with our church and moved into a new house, all in the same weekend. No we aren't crazy, the two just happened to coincide, and there was really no better options. At least by moving in that weekend, we had three weeks to move before Christmas.
Christmas came with its usual assortment of busy schedules, followed by a week-long trip to Reno and Sacramento to visit family. Of course with 15-month-old babies, that made for some very long trips, but overall, the boys did very well.
After returning home, I was scheduled to preach the following Sunday, so naturally I came down with food poisoning or something. The day I preached was the first day in the previous three that I was able to stand for more than 5 minutes without feeling nauseous. Overall, I think it went well. The best comment I received was someone telling me, "it made me think." If that is all I did, then I accomplished what I set out to do. If you want to hear some of my thoughts on the church, you can go here:
Since then, our lives have mostly been occupied with the continued process of moving and settling into our new home. I have been working on a script, so that has taken much of my writing effort. The aforementioned dinner theater, while incredibly fun, was a terrible script, so the director and I are writing out scripts of our own, to better match our needs and audience. It will be interesting to see if these scripts ever really see the light of day.
I have a few other things that I have been working on for posts, but haven't finished, so keep checking back. Perhaps I will actually have something posted. Then again, perhaps not.
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