Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Why is it so hard to really rest? I'm not talking about veging out in front of the TV, or playing video games, or the hundreds of other activities we call "rest", but really, truly rest. Take time away from the daily grind and recharge seems like such a difficult task, but it is so necessary.

Last week, I caught a nasty little cold and tried to stay home and rest. Well, I stayed home, but rest was not a part of my days at home. I tried to relax and not do much, but I still needed to help take care of the boys and get some things done around the house. I realize that that is just part of being a parent, but how often do we do the same thing. We have an opportunity to rest, or our bodies make us rest, and instead of truly resting, we fritter away our time on useless activities.

I guess a lot of it has to do with how one recharges. I know people are relaxed and energized by different activities, but I feel like our culture is constantly trying to push us to do more with less time. We now have all these ridiculous energy drinks that will help keep us up to do all the millions of things we want to do (or think we are supposed to do), meanwhile telling us that sleep is for the weak. (I'm not making that up. I actually saw an energy drink ad that said that.) People seem to see true rest as a waste of time, not a valuable and vital part of our lives. And then we wonder why people are burnt out or turn to drugs or alcohol or other risky behaviors to find some sort of release.

So maybe this week, instead of turning on the TV or the video games or whatever else, ask yourself, "How do I truly rest?" and go do it.

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