Tuesday, March 9, 2010


... has been crazy busy lately.  This week is the first week since the babies were born that we haven't had some one staying with us to help out.  It has been quite an adventure getting into some sort of rhythm that Christie and I can handle.  Every day is certainly a challenge, but it is helping us to grow and become more and more the people God desires us to be.

On the job front, I am still looking.  It has been tough, but God has been faithful and provided for our needs.  I will be working part time for the Census Bureau, so that will help for a bit.  In the meantime, I have been enjoying serving at Camarillo Community Church.  I have had a couple opportunities to lead worship along with regularly singing and playing and being a part of the worship planning committee.  All of which has been a ton of fun, but also incredibly stretching.  I've had the chance to work on a couple video projects with them and am looking forward to more.

I've also been able to do some projects around the house, trying to make the house as functional as possible with four children now (yikes!).  I'm hoping to redo our office and then start working on some creative projects that are rolling around in my brain.  Some may see the light of day, others may not.  Though first, I need to find time to work while I'm at home (good luck!).

All in all, I'm excited to see where God is leading, but that doesn't take away the fear of not knowing the next step.  I know He will provide, but I'm a big picture kind of person.  I want to know where I'm going and what the point is.  Instead, He wants me to learn to trust and obey.

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